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Oct 1, 2013

KFC Fast Food Coupons to Save Money


I love to eat KFC fried and grilled chicken. I usually visit the KFC fast food near my home 2 or 3 times a month.

Before I just wait for some unsolicited KFC coupons that arrived with my junk mail every Wednesday. Sometimes, there were no KFC coupons. When there were no KFC coupons, I just pay the full price of the meal plus a sales tax of 8.1%.

I was reading the Yahoo news on October 1, 2013 and there was a news article that KFC is offering a KFC Go Cup for US$2.49 plus sales tax. So, I visited the KFC website         ( and find out the nutrition information on the KFC Go Cup.

By accident, I clicked on DEALS ( and what I have discovered – digital coupons that I can print using my printer. The web page asked me to enter my ZIP code (example: 94205) and one sheet showed me six (6) coupons as follows:

Click image to enlarge

1.  $1 OFF – 2 pieces Original Recipe Boneless with 1 individual side (e.g. potato wedges, cole slaw, biscuit, macaroni salad, etc.) and 1 medium soft drink

2.  FREE Original Recipe Boneless piece with the purchase of an 8-piece meal or larger meal at the regular price

3.  FREE Lil' Bucket Kid's Meal with the purchase of an 8-piece meal or larger meal at the regular price

4.  $4.99 for 10-Piece Original Recipe Bites with individual potato wedges and 1 medium soft drink

5.  $0.50 Each – Add Hot Wings pieces to any bucket (limit 20) purchase

6.  $2.99 for 2-piece Grilled Chicken with 1 baked biscuit

The coupons have expiration date of 11/30/2013. When the coupons expired, I can visit the KFC website if I need some current KFC coupons before I go to the KFC fast food. In case I receive unsolicited KFC coupons from my junk mail, then I do not have to print the KFC digital coupons.

So, for every one dollar I save from each KFC coupon is an increase of money in my savings account.

If I combined my savings from my grocery coupons, borrowing free books and DVD movies from the public library, buying things from thrift stores, and maintaining my 1990 Dodge Stratus car in good running condition, then I can imagine the inflows of money to my savings account.

I want to share my financial experience with my readers. I am not a tightwad. I just want to minimize my expenses without depriving myself with some amenities in life.


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